Sunday, November 13, 2011

The death of liberty (by a thousand cuts)

Regulation is Obama's not-so-secret weapon in his effort to transform America into a liberal-fascist state. Derek Hunter discusses a recent sortie by the Obamunists.
The CFPB [Consumer Financial Protection Bureau] is set up to be insulated from oversight. It sets its own budget, makes its own rules, sets its own pay, and can pass and enforce regulations unilaterally. So much for that “representative republic” of ours.

It’s a safe bet the regulations the CFPB establishes will not be good for business or liberty. According to the Wall Street Journal’s review of the 820 pages produced at a recent hearing, some of what the agency advocates already has been deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.
If we are not vigilant, we are, like the frog in the slow-boiling pot, going to fail to realize the danger until it's too late. Another good reason why the Republican presidential candidates need to disband their circular firing squad and focus on the main enemy.


  1. Wilson set the pot up. FDR started the fire. It's been going for a long time.

  2. Thought it felt a little warmer. Now, that's man-made warming. Don't we all wish we could have those terms, which are "whatever goes".

    Sounds just like the thing that the Friday night Lefty would like. He boasted that Progressives want to improve the US, and have already done so by passing the 17th and 18th Amendment. Yeah, right.

    Deborah Leigh

  3. They seem to be bent on deleting the first ten amendments right now.
