Friday, November 4, 2011

Stacy McCain under siege

Stacy's at a conservative get-together in Washington this evening, and a crowd of Occupy zombies is trying to storm the building (with video!)


  1. 'We are the 99pc'

    I think 1930's Brownshirts said and thought very similar things.

    In the 1960's, older people who had seen the 30's warned hippies about their tendency to fascism. Charles Manson brought the message home.

  2. I'm certainly not part of the "1 percent", and I'm definately not one of those OWS freak's 99, what am I?

    I think they should rename themselves the ".99 percent".

    And that may be generous.

  3. Unregenerate savages, that's what they are, incapable of critical thought, logic, reason, or manners.

  4. Over at Stacy's Occupados are complaining that they were beaten and shoved when they tried to force their way into the building.

    Would that there was video...

    In other news, the Perry campaign announced a new slogan today: "We ARE the 10%!"

  5. Richard: Maybe they're confusing themselves with the 78 year old woman they shoved down the stairs. These things happen.
