Monday, December 19, 2011


Michelle Malkin reviews some of Honest Nancy Pelosi’s “lucky” investments.

Walter Williams, the brilliant, feisty and amusing economist, has published an autobiography. Looks to be a very good read.

Is post-Hussein Iraq already starting to come unglued?

Good roundup of reports on the late and unlamented Kim Jong Il, from Ed Driscoll (including this solid gold Tweet from Josh Trevino: “I’d like to think God let Havel and Hitchens pick the third”).

Babalu has an interesting video of Vaclav Havel discussing communist Cuba. Havel was definitely the antithesis of the typical bureaucratic political euroweenie.

Hats off to Sheriff Brad Rogers of Elkhart County, Indiana, who won a showdown with the FDA.

Now, who’s going to take on the EPA?

Racism – or whining about it - is now the last refuge of the scoundrel, as Eric Holder so clearly demonstrates. Rep. Allen West gives Holder the raspberry.

How’s that Arab spring thing workin’ out in Egypt? Meh, don’t ask.

Delicious irony from Gateway Pundit.

A new low for used-car salesmen.

Yikes! This is why I use cigarette smoke to clean my sinuses.

Barney Frank shows off his man-boobs on the floor of the House - and, er, on the floor of the House (Warning: Not Safe for Anyplace).


  1. Re Bawney: There are women who would kill to have boobs like that (although they'd more than likely corral them into a sexier shape).

    Bookmarked Williams' book. Sounds good.

    Everyone seems concerned about how KJI's death is going to affect North Korea, but I'm wondering how it's going to affect Iran.

    Coupled with the problems in Egypt, I counsel stocking up on beans, water, and ammo.

  2. Deborah Leigh said... Wow! That really is an assortment, Paco. Well done.

    1. Nancy Pelosi who tries, like all good Democrats, to paint herself as the "everyday American". Wish I had that "everyday".

    2. Recently Obama and Maliki laid a wreath in Arlington to commemorate the US military members who lost their lives giving Iraq freedom. Oh well.

    3. The North Korean reaction to the loss of the Dear Leader is a long cultural one. They would publicly lament for their king in the day, so this is nothing new. Watch China's response. I nominate Joe Biden as the US representative because the Mongolian trip went so well.

    4. Hopefully Havel will remain an inspiration to all who fight communism.

    5. Good for Sheriff Rogers. People should be free to eat and drink whatever they want.

    6. The EPA is out of control. Proof is withholding federal funds from states that don't cut down on dust.

    7. Holder is out of cards, and hopefully in the eleventh hour.

    8. Funny that the show about Muslims in America has left little facts like these out. Oh, and two of the main characters in the show support Hezbollah and Hamas. We all support terrorist organizations, right?

    9. If the tap water is bad for the sinuses, then why/how is it good from drinking?

    10. Barney, why did ya! NOOOOO!

  3. I see your Barney Man-Boobs, and raise you Kim Jong Il relaxing after a hard day crushing dissent and murdering peasants.

    Better grab your brain bleach on this one.

  4. Jeff: Whoa! Hardly the Charles Atlas of North Korea, was he?

  5. Well, in a land rife with starvation, he certainly looks well fed in that photo, doesn't he?

  6. Humbly suggest all read Fernandez's latest, about passing of Havel and that era.era.
