The thing about bananas is that, however phallic they may appear, you can never get away from the slapstick aspects. For example...

"There are countless horrible things happening all over the world and horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy them whenever possible." -Auberon Waugh
You have to admit, bananas are pretty treacherous. You buy them slightly green, so they'll keep, and as soon as you turn your back, they've gone all spotty and brown.
ReplyDeleteOh My..
ReplyDeleteUmm, her smile frightens me..
Deborah Leigh said... Imagine the restrictions on power tools? And what about that vacuum cleaner? It's just a vacuum cleaner, right guys?
ReplyDeleteJP, her smile is disturbing, but look at the one to the right. Not to mention the young lady is to the left. She really is engaged in that book. Could it be a new version of the Kama Sutra?
That's a bit of a double standard, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteThey let the men herd sheep.
Gosh, never thought of that, Deborah.
ReplyDeleteMullet Shish-K Bob says Preys Allen, or whoever the hell he is. Slap them in Burlesque or whatever the hell those long ugly black things are.
Mullet asks, what is this Comic Sutures you type of?
Geez Deborah, that's not the Kama Sutra, it's the Progressive's Guide to the Bill of Rights! The concept of "negative rights" has to be in picture format for them to understand them.
ReplyDeleteDeborah Leigh said... JP, Mullet can probably give y'all tips on that vacuum thingy. I've only read a bit of some reports. They were too...hilarious to fully read. By-the-way, this isn't the same Mullet that has a sister named Barbie Kue is it?
ReplyDeleteOf course you're right, Yojimbo! What was I thinking....
She's in a real pickle, all right. (Ducks for cover.)
ReplyDeleteIt's a dark day for women and teddybears when bananas have plans afoot...