Also, check out this mid-50s Fairlane.
"There are countless horrible things happening all over the world and horrible people prospering, but we must never allow them to disturb our equanimity or deflect us from our sacred duty to sabotage and annoy them whenever possible." -Auberon Waugh
Will it be restored, or turned into a custom?
ReplyDeleteLove the whitewalls!
Not sure. Bubba does both, but I don't know what the owner's plans are for this one. They had a 1948 Dodge Desoto a while back (black, with so much chrome on the front bumper that it looked like the baleen on a blue whale; I would have killed for it. In fact, I just finished looking around the 'net for late '40s/early '50s Desotos and there are quite a few in reasonably good condition for not a whole lot of money. Much cheaper than my dream car - a 1939 Packard touring sedan.
ReplyDeleteTempting...very tempting...
Guy down the street had a pair of pre-war Packards.
ReplyDeleteMojo: Sweet! The problem is, Packards are just so damned expensive, even in fairly rough shape.
ReplyDeleteI may be strange, but this is my dream vehicle.
ReplyDeleteNot so comfortable during inclement weather, but very versatile, especially on crowded freeways.
Believe it or not, my last two years of high school, I drove a 1938 Nash that my dad paid $50 for. It ran great (except for a tendency for the headlights to short out at night, not that I did much driving at night then), and the upholstery was down to that scratchy wool underlining. I'd give anything to have that car now. Dad sold it for $100, so he made a profit, but he'd be spinning in his grave if he knew how much it would be worth now.
ReplyDeleteJeffS -- Tell him you'll go ten if he throws in the quad .50's
ReplyDeleteSo are you going to the auto show downtown this coming week?
ReplyDeleteIsophorone: I didn't know there was one. I'll have to look into it.
ReplyDeleteVery nice, what sort of price over there?
ReplyDeleteAfter many years of saving my sixpences I am indulging myself with one of these, a Leyland P76:
Mk50 of Brisbane
(Formerly MarkL of Canberra)
ReplyDeleteMark I remember the P76 very well.
I was advertised as " you can fit a 44 gallon drum in the boot"
Unfortunately it came about at the wrong time, when oil prices were going up and small cars were all the rage.
of course it would be"It was advertised"