The only reason that I'll be voting for him if he wins the nomination is because the alternative is so much worse. Romney, at least, would not be motivated by the leftist zeal that drives the Community-Organizer-in-Chief, and I doubt he could engineer a foreign policy as idiotic as Obama's if he tried. Besides, a second Obama term could possibly heat up what has so far been our "cold" civil war, as he would be free to accelerate his assault on the private sector, religious freedom and Second Amendment rights. Romney is a weather vane. So let us hope (to borrow from, and alter, Captain Renault) that the prevailing wind does not blow from Vichy. And let us work to fill the House and Senate with stout conservative hearts - leaving not even the winds to chance.

"I dunno. What do you want my ideology to look like?"
ReplyDeleteLets vote for the lesser of the evil ONE.
Just like we have been for the last 40+ years.
...Because every election we've had has been the most important election evar, and if we don't vote for evil this time- by Gawd the earth will collapse into a black hole of suck.
Yeah, I know what you mean, but I'm getting tired of the same old thing every four years- with the same losers who's turn it is to lose the the Dem.
In the spirit of an article I saw on The Drum this morning about Australia's worst PMs, I'd like to put it to you guys - who were your worst Presidents? And who were your best?
ReplyDeleteI was a bit surprised to read that P J O'Rourke didn't like Teddy Roosevelt - I gather it was something about various protectionist measures. (Not that I'd know, it's hard enough for me remembering Oz's PMs in order. I'd have no idea where to start with the US.)
Anyway, going on 300 years of Presidents - so you've got a lot to choose from!
I always liked Woodrow Wilson - for no other reason than that his name alliterated in a pleasing fashion.
ReplyDeleteKurt: I absolutely agree. I'm getting sick of voting for "Brand X".
ReplyDeleteTimT: I think James Buchanan is considered one of the very worst because of his inability to cope with the gathering storm of civil war. In my lifetime, I think Carter and Obama are the two worst. The last good Democrat, in my opinion, was Grover Cleveland.
I'm convinced that Romney is running for President because he's a professional politician, not to mention one of our self-appointed elite.
ReplyDeleteAnd no doubt he's hoping to start yet another political dynastic clan, similar to the Kennedy Clan. After all, his father was a politician as well, although I blame nurture, not nature.
Still, if Romney gets the nod, I'll hold my nose and vote for Brand X. And then pray for Congressional Gridlock.
That's the way I see it. I'd much, much rather be voting for a candidate, instead of against a candidate, but I don't see much choice this time around (just like last time). It's certain we can't take another four years of President "Fairness".
ReplyDeleteUp until the last few days, I had been thinking I'd hold my nose, and vote for Romney if he is the nominee.
ReplyDeleteBut now, I think I may play my "I live in Illinois, Republican votes don't count" card, and not vote for Obomney. I will vote for any true conservatives/Tea Party candidates running for the lower offices.
If you reside in a state that is solid, one way or the other, you might do a write-in candidate and then vote for conservatives for the other offices. I will probably write-in Rubio and then vote conservative all the way down.
ReplyDeleteShouold Romney gain the nomination, and should he lose to Obama, I trust that all the people here swearing not to vote for Romney will have the grace to not voice any complaints about Obama's policies and actions during his second presidential term.
ReplyDeleteIf you are going to wait around for purity in a politician, you are going to wait a long time. Romney is not my guy, but if he gets nominated I will vote for him, despite the fact that there are several others I would much prefer to see ahead of him in the line for the Presidency, probably for much the same reasons that some here are swearing that they won't vote for Romney because he's not sufficiently conservative or libertarian, etc. The people I prefer did not run; shall I petulently refuse to vote someone other than the Community-organizer-in-chief because I can't get perfection?
If you reside in a state that is solid, one way or the other, you might do a write-in candidate and then vote for conservatives for the other offices. I will probably write-in Rubio and then vote conservative all the way down.