Saturday, February 25, 2012

To serve and protect

Hats off to the Kitchener, Ontario police for protecting their citizens from a man whose daughter...Wait a minute...What the...Whose daughter drew a picture of her dad holding a gun?!?


  1. For a bit more on this bizarre story, try here.

    Me, I see it as bureaucracy run amok.

  2. A four year old draws a picture, in school.

    Police arrive, wait for the father to show up, and arrest him.

    The scary part is who called the police, and what they are teaching children.

    The future looks bleak.

  3. Deborah Leigh said... Good thing this mindset wasn't around in my childhood/youth, otherwise my family would have had the same fate. Being a child of a career Navy man during the Cold War when the Russian nuclear threat was all too real, combined with the love of history and weapons, I was always imagining battles. That was the era when our heroes (of tv and movies) were packing. "Swamp Fox", "Scarecrow", "Zorro", "Roy Rogers", and Hoppy fought the bad guys, not with tea and cookies, but with fists and guns. There is an early picture of a little girl (five or six) decked out in faux leather vest complete with sheriff's star, with a twin rig of pearl handle revolvers. On her one hand is a Mickey Mouse hand puppet. Clearly bad parenting, right?

  4. Deborah Leigh said... OT Forgot to include this. According to the NRA, the UN has completed the draft on the global ban on weapons, and the vote is set for July. The very fact that Hillary (and therefore, Obama) are promoting this is, is a direct violation of the Constitution. Does this constitute an impeachable offence?

    Congress: 202-225-3121
    WH comment line: 202-456-1111
    WH Switchboard: 202-456-1414

  5. It's Ontario, where "Peak Stupidity" is more than just a hypothesis.


  6. It sounds like a farce. I really hope it was a simple miscommunication combined with incompetence.

    someone overhears a teacher commenting about what the kids drew
    teacher 1 : "…one kid drew an RV, one boy drew a fire engine and one girl drew a gun"
    teacher 2 : gasp! (clutches pearls, calls the police and begins pants shi**ing hysteria) Hello, police, a little girl drew a gun and is threatening to kill everyone!
    police : ok, where's the girl who drew the gun and was waving it around?
    teacher 1 : no, it was her father who had a gun.
    police : oh, ok. Where is he?
    teacher 1 : He's not here.
    police : oh, he ran off. We'll find him. The Kitchener Police always get their man. But please, please, please don't tell the Mounties I said that. So, what's he look like?
    teacher 1 : (guides him to the daughter's desk) here's the picture she drew of him.
    daughter : (beaming with pride) the gun is to shoot bad guys and monsters like dragons, ogres and manbearpig.
    police : (*choke*) this is serious! The protection of the civil rights monsters is the Kitchener Police's third most important objective!
    police : (after picking the guy up and frisking him) Where is the gun you were carrying around?
    guy : what gun? I wasn't carrying a gun.
    police : Ok, then we'll have to strip search you.

    In Toronto, Canada in 2009 the police were called and Toronto Emergency Task Force (SWAT) moved in and handcuffed him because his neighbor saw him putting together a gun out of Legos.
