Sunday, February 12, 2012

Two from Babalú

First, a video of the inspiring Daniel Hannan, speaking at this year's CPAC.

Second, Senator (and someday President, may it please God) Marco Rubio, also speaking at CPAC.


  1. Ever since I saw it suggested, some years ago, that the Anglosphere should unite in a democratic alliance (Hannan's Free English-Speaking Nations), I've wholeheartedly supported the idea. Of course, such an organization would need a different designation, as there would be non-English-speaking countries that would want to join. The criteria to join would be or should be, of course, adherence to that nasty old Anglo-Saxon idea of individual liberty and duty, and a thick-skinned response to accusations of bigotry/racism/unfair nationalism, etc.

  2. Sounds like a good idea. You're in charge. Get crackin'!
