Monday, March 12, 2012

You know about high tech...

...but are you ready for hip tech? The inventor of the internet opines:
To fix what he called a no-longer functional U.S. government, [Al]Gore urged the audience to begin a new "Occupy Democracy" movement. He pushed for the creation and implementation of digital tools and social media to "change the democratic conversation."

Gore talked of a "Wiki-democracy" of "digital flash mobs calling out the truth" and "a government square that holds people accountable."
Since blogging counts as "social media", I'd like to take advantage of Gore's new forum to make a motion: all in favor of declaring Al Gore our Dweeb Laureate, raise your hands (or tweet or "like" on Facebook or something).

"Dang! NaughtyMasseuses has crashed again."


  1. He pushed for the creation and implementation of digital tools and social media to "change the democratic conversation".

    He pushed for the creation and implementation of digital tools and social media to "silence the AGW deniers".

    There, fixed it.

    And consider my hand raised. I don't facebook or twit.

  2. Notice the mutant tree frog on the wall behind algore.

    Just an example of what we can expect if we don't buy carbon credits.

  3. Hand raised. I'd like this on FB, but I work hard on trying to not like FB.

  4. Hand raised. No facebook or twitter either. I have been called a "twit" every now and then. Does that count?

  5. *Raises hand*

    Actually, there already is a change in the democratic conversation, but I don't think it's working out as well as Big Al expected. So far, social media has torn the guts out of the global warming scam.

  6. "up twinkles"
    … one must be with it.


  7. Hmmm... this bloke certainly does not run a "clean desk" policy.
