Friday, April 20, 2012

Lonesome Barry

Remember that scene toward the end of the 1963 Cleopatra movie, where Richard Burton (Mark Antony) wakes up in his tent on the morning of what he anticipates will be his final, desperate battle, and finds out that his army has bolted? I wonder if Obama’s not starting to feel the same way?


  1. And he does not have Richard Burton's powers of redeeming himself from difficulties.

  2. 'Win a chance to meet George Clooney.' The Dems sure need all the help they can get.

  3. Bruce: And his oratorical powers are laughable compared to Burton's.

  4. Cleppatra’s lines (A&C V.ii) are perhaps more pertinent to your Emperor:

    Give me my robe, put on my crown; I have
    Immortal longings in me…
