Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Well, it ain’t Cooperstown…

…but I guess he’ll be pleased: Al
Gore is inducted into the Internet Hall of Fame.

Welcome to the pantheon, Al!

BTW, I hope this honor works out better than his last one.


  1. Sorry. Pantheons are reserved for mythical entities who actually accomplished something greatly beneficial to the populace at large, like fire, and grapes, and wheat. Al-Gore created a small (albeit remunerative) niche for the top tier of rich useful idiots... the lower tiers, not so much,,, which consists of the numinous satisfaction of feeling good. That's not a useful milieu for the 21st century, no matter what the French say.

  2. Well, now, I think that's downright ungrateful of you, Rebecca. Al Gore got involved in the global warming movement for the sole purpose of saving humanity, and... well, here we all are.

  3. Deborah Leigh said...Paco, that was after he got involved in the global ice age.
