Monday, April 23, 2012

You know what's doing a booming business in the Obama years?

Debtors' prisons. So, pay up, suckers, unless you want to find yourselves living in a Charles Dickens novel.



  1. Mark Levin was saying that some Democrats think they may have found a new revenue source: our retirement savings.

    I suppose they want to take our retirement money because they know better how to use it, for our own good. Maybe when we're all broke, and can't afford to live anymore, they'll decide we're no longer any use to the collective, and offer us a "humanitarian alternative".

    Like a gulag...I mean, a debtor's prison.

  2. rinardman, the financial guy I listen to on local radio on weekends has been telling people to watch their retirements & what each elected official says about them VERY CLOSELY. And he's been saying that since we moved back 2003.

  3. The next best solution is to go off the grid, and put your money where it will benefit you and only you. Financial planners can tell you how.

    My own 84 year old mother-in-law is putting all her CDs, and various other monetary resources into the names of her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, because she said if she has to go into a nursing home (which we're not sure we'll do, depending on her needs), or she dies, the government isn't getting what she worked and saved and scraped for all her life. These days, I think she's right, and I'm starting to copy her example.
