Monday, May 21, 2012

Pope vs. Dope

President Obama’s heavy-handed treatment of the Catholic Church, in the matter of mandatory insurance coverage for services and products which the Church condemns, has resulted in a very interesting development: forty-three Catholic institutions have sued the department of Health and Human Services.

Stalin once famously asked how many divisions the Pope had, scorning the concept of the power of moral authority. Obama is destined to learn the hard way that moral authority is real, and doesn’t flow from dishonest political narratives, however carefully crafted by sycophantic minions, however lovingly nurtured by a supine press.


Michael Lonie said...

I heard a story once that puts a lower limit on the number of effective division equivalents the Pope has. When Solidarity was being annoying to the Commies in Poland, the Soviets mobilized to intervene in Poland and put down this threat to Worker's Paradises everywhere. They were planning to send 25 divisions in. The CIA got wind of this plan (God knows how THEY managed such a feat in the early 80s) and passed the info along to Pope John Paul II. The Pope sent a message to the Soviets that, if they invded Poland, he would take steps. Not sure what steps, but the Pope put his foot down and stamped his crozier. The Soviets abandoned the plan to invade Poland and do a Hungary 1956 on them.

So the Pope's number of effective division equivalents is: more than 25.

Paco said...

Sounds logical to me.

I believe the Pope actually threatened to return to Poland and personally engage in the struggle.

RebeccaH said...

I don't see how this idiotic provision of Obama's can stand, since it's clearly a violation of the Constitution.

Oh, that's right, that's just an old document written by a bunch of old, dead white men.

However, the Constitution has been a wall protecting the freedoms of Americans for two hundred years, and I think President Boondoggle McSteezy is about to run right smack up against it.

richard mcenroe said...

I believe that was a quote by Napoleon, not Stalin. Though the Georgian thug may have repeated it.

Paco said...

Richard: Stalin definitely said it. I wasn't aware that Napoleon did.