Thursday, October 18, 2012

A proctologist’s hat-trick

Martin Sheen, Woody Harrelson and Ed Asner to star in a 9/11 Truther movie.


Steve Skubinna said...

And watch, none of them will be found dead in mysterious circumstances.

Mark Steyn said it best: if 9/11 really were an inside job, you wouldn't be driving around with it on a bumper sticker.

Anonymous said...

Deborah Leigh said...Truthers need to get a life. Preferably somewhere else. Truthers prove that some people are stuck on stupid. These three are the embodiment of the "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" monkeys. Especially Ed who is a nasty little primate, take my word.

JeffS said...

Meh. Three has-been actors, trying for an extra few minutes of fame by catering to nut jobs.

RebeccaH said...

I predict it'll be the usual Hollywood blockbuster. At least three ... count 'em ... three theaters will show the movie before HBO airs it.

Academy Award Dude said...

What, no Sean Penn?

Will Rosie O'Donnell play the nerdy yet sexy lab-coated love interest?

Will Tom Hanks play the foul mouth street comic sidekick who leads the zombie hordes out of the Occupy camps in a shuffle for Truth?

Ben Rumson said...

Will Snake Plissken have a cameo at the end skullfucking all three?

Gregoryno6 said...

Not directed by Oliver Stone? Fools! How can they expect to have any credibility?

Hallfmpu said...

Not directed by Oliver Stone? Fools! How can they expect to have any credibility?

Kara said...

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