Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Join me in the “Let’s Ignore David Brooks” movement

Brooks offers some unexceptional blah about how he thinks there will be a big “Draft Hillary” movement in 2016. I, for one, don’t doubt it. In fact, she’ll probably chair the movement.

But then Brooks makes the mistake he always makes when he happens to voice the obvious: he continues to speak.
Brooks diagnosed Obama’s inability to establish these close political relationships as being part of his personality, and referred to how he has been unable to be an effective proponent for legislation on Capitol Hill.

“In my view, he has a writer’s personality,” Brooks said. “He likes the solitary time to think…”
Ah, yes, a “writer’s personality”. Now I get it. We’re all just characters – most of us very minor – in Obama’s Great American Novel.

With respect to the title of this post, I suspect my readers are way ahead of me.


  1. Riiiight. Americans had inadequate security (their security details were pulled!) while there were credible threats and on the eve of 9/11. She was in charge. That isn't something that is fixable.

  2. That's (more) wishful thinking on Brooks' part. Hillary may have planned to run in 2016, but this is a major set back in that regards.

    Not only did she let Americans die -- people that worked for her -- she completely misread (or simply ignored) the true nature of the problem in the Middle East.

  3. I suspect my readers are way ahead of me.

    Years ahead. His stuff would be funny, if it wasn't so pathetic.


  4. I happen to agree with Brooks characterization of his writer's personality. Isn't he doing his best to bring Bleak House to life?

  5. Who's David Brooks?

    (rhetorical question)
