Thursday, October 4, 2012


It is universally acknowledged that Obama lost the debate last night; therefore, it must have been the moderator’s fault.

Or maybe it was the thin air (is there no one close enough to Al Gore who is willing to tell him that his every public utterance is the equivalent of having the word “Dumbass” tattooed in fire engine red ink on his forehead?)

Update: Did you ever lose an argument, and then, much later, think up a whole bunch of cool things you could have said?


Update III: Our Taiwanese animator friends give us their rendition of the debate (H/T: Captain Heinrichs).


Deadman said...

The president is now not just a paradoxical empty suit with no clothes, but an embodiment of staircase wit—l’esprit de l’escalier—without the wit or the staircase.

Marica said...

Regarding Axelrod & quoting LBJ:

"Well, there is no denying it: You of the broadcast industry have enormous power in your hands. You have the power to clarify and you have the power to confuse. Men in public life cannot remotely rival your opportunity--day after day, night after night, hour after hour on the hour--and the half hour, sometimes--you shape the Nation's dialogue.

"The words that you choose, hopefully always accurate, and hopefully always just, are the words that are carried out for all of the people to hear.

"The commentary that you provide can give the real meaning to the issues of the day or it can distort them beyond all meaning. By your standards of what is news, you can cultivate wisdom--or you can nurture misguided passion."

<b Distort beyond all meaning b

This is my first time trying to use html tags. I hope I got it right.

Paco said...

Very appropriate quote.

(You need to close the tags).

Paco said...

For bolding, type "<" , then "b", then ">" - this bolds whatever follows. To terminate the bold feature, type "<", then "/", then "b" then ">" (don't type the quotation marks, of course).

Marica said...

I tried >b which I thought would close the tag. Alas. Wait. Maybe I tried b>.

I'm watching a re-run of Big Bag. I don't have time for this nonsense.

Marica said...

Sorry. Thank you so much!

Marica said...

I feel as if I should end on a different note. I pulled that quote from Richard D. Heffner, editor of A Documentary History of the United States, 7th ed.,

He says,

"[Johnson's] speech on the role of new electronic media in American life and politics, ... significantly pointed to broadcasting as an instrument of political activism, an interpretation not previously shared by most Americans who considered the medium essentially as an entertainment. "

Bolds and Italics aside, I think it's important to understand how we got here. Don't you?

Paco said...

Naturally. The question now is, how do we get somewhere else?

Minicapt said...

You might try:


SwampWoman said...

We're all part of the solution, as I see it. We cover what's going on in our area or link to local reporters and news accounts who have a tendency to be more reliable on account of they live here.

Deprive them of an audience. The bloated ticks will shrivel and die without hosts to feed on.

JorgXMcKie said...

It's gonna get nastier. To some extent, and more than before for sure, Obama has been exposed. His camp simply cannot let that stand and win. Thus, Axelrod, et al and especially the immediate charges of Romney 'lying' [i.e. he refuses to agree that only Obama is worth voting for].

The biggest damage from Wed night is that is appears to have energized leaning or lukewarm Republicans while doing nothing or discouraging leaning or lukewarm Dems.

JeffS said...

Well, when Obama, God Of All Lefties, has lost the New Yorker....yeah, the Donks are going to try something to shift voters back their way.

Might be stupid, probably will be ineffective, but certainly ugly.