Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Message for the upcoming generation of aggressive spongers

Courtesy of Miss Red, who, sadly, is retiring from the blogging gig.


  1. I've thought about putting up a sign at the entrance to my property. It would be a standard rifle target with a nice tight group and a notice: "Shot at 500 yards. You are 47 yards from the house."

    But then I think about how I really don't want to have to use deadly force, and if I did, the last thing I'd want in sight was something like that. Best not to have anything that a prosecutor might claim showed premeditation.

  2. Alas, Steve, that's all too true. I've thought of putting up similar signs, but I prefer to advertise by word of mouth -- my neighbors know I'm a shooter, and word does get around.

    And it helps that most of the other neighbors don't tolerate much crap either.

  3. Oh, I don't know about premeditation. I'm thinking more just...precaution.

  4. Around here, you should pretty much assume that every home is armed. The question then is: pistol, rifle, shotgun, or all the above?

    I'm all the above, myself.

  5. Deborah Leigh said ...The text of our sign will be spelled out in spent shotgun shells. Rinardman, you gave me inspiration. The border can be done in various calibers! Thanks! Steve, that's gold!

  6. Love that sign.

    My dad used to say: "If he's standing on the porch trying to bust down your door, shoot 'im and then drag 'im inside."

  7. RebeccaH, I think our dad's must've been related.

  8. "No Trespassing: Survivors Will Be Shot Again"

