Friday, December 21, 2012

Paranoia with a capital P

In Pennsylvania, police investigate a 13-year-old boy who made a "gun" gesture by pointing his finger.

Hey, Pennsylvania, I got your "disorderly conduct" right here...


  1. Glad to see you're back and feisty as ever, Paco.

  2. Thanks, Bruce. I guess it was a bad idea to cash in my retirement fund to buy a Dodge Viper. Next time somebody says the world's coming to an end, I want to see some proof!

  3. I bet that Mayan forgot to carry the one.

  4. Has the world turned upside down?

    Instead of charging whoever called the cops with Wasting Police Time, Making a False Report to Police, and Making a Prank 000 call, the cops charged a kid with making a playground gesture?


  5. Paco, I'm hoping to get a refund on this apocalypse. Worst. One. EVAH.

    Steve At The Pub: Include the idiot teachers and administrators in that personnel action. And spank the children who complained.

  6. Imagine how the cops felt, having to "investigate" that. I bet there was a lot of gallows humor that day.

  7. "Yes, officer, I intentionally made a hand gesture. Here's another on, just for you. BANG. Ooh, soooo scary, huh? Tell me, do you often get assigned to the idiot-at-large detail?"...

  8. Will every person in Pennsylvania now need a concealed carry permit, if they wear gloves?

  9. R-man, They better not have cop-killer boogers on the end of their fingers.

  10. J: Armor-penetrating boogers are already illegal.
