Monday, January 7, 2013

Another atrocious Obama appointment

Chuck Hagel for Department of Defense. Why? Jim Geraghty at National Review collects some opinions from various politicians and op-ed people, none of which strike me as fully explanatory (although Lindsey Graham’s comment that this is an “in your face” nomination is probably pretty close to the truth – which further underscores this president’s temperamental unfitness for the office he holds).

People at the agency where I work – in a state of near-despair from four years of working under Obama’s political appointees here – complain that there’s nowhere to run: word on the street is that practically all of Obama’s political appointees are (I am quoting) “assholes”. Perhaps the president’s main criterion for choosing agency personnel is as simple as this: he wants people around who resemble him.

DrewM at Ace of Spades has more. Drew draws attention to something about the nomination that also bothers me a great deal: quite aside from Hagel’s open hostility to Israel, what evidence is there that he even has the competence to manage such a huge federal agency? (answer: precious little evidence).


  1. I confirm your quote of "assholes". From the perspective of a different agency, of course.

  2. ...what evidence is there that he even has the competence to manage such a huge federal agency? (answer: precious little evidence).

    And now....we're back to Obo the Clown choosing people just like himself.

  3. Also arseholes no doubt - The Hittites knew how to make an insult.

  4. Krugman for Sec Treasury!


    Sorry for multi-post.

  6. We could lend you Pat Martin who, unlike Bernie Sanders, is a proper Socialist:


  7. Bruce: Thank goodness Krugman said he wasn't interested.

  8. O is fulfilling the only campaign promise it appears he will keep: to fundamentally change America.

    In a horrible horrible way.

    Perhaps, he could redeem himself a little were he to appoint Nancy Pelosi ambassador to Libya.

  9. The more Obama is opposed, the more determined he is to get his way, and if he sinks the nation, oh well.
