Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I learn something new every day

There wasn't much going on at the Paco Command Center on New Year's Day, so I decided to spend a little time researching a WWII-era German rifle that Old Paco gave me many years ago. It's chambered for 8mm Mauser, and I had always assumed that the rifle was a Mauser, but a little digging revealed that I was wrong. The gun is a Gewehr 98/40, which is essentially a hybrid of the Hungarian Puska 35M, with the addition of some Mauser technology and rechambering. It was manufactured in a factory in Hungary by Fémáru Fegyver és Gépgyár under contract to the German government during the occupation.


  1. Also known as a Mannlicher.

    Lee Harvey, come on down!

  2. Deborah said... What a beauty! Wait...was that a knock at the door?

  3. Deb: I meant to point out that I used to own this gun. One day recently, while I was out walking the dog, I inadvertently left the front door unlocked, and someone came in and stole all my guns. And ammo. And holsters. I thought about reporting it to the police, but, well, they seem to be so busy this time of the year, I didn't want to bother them.

  4. How very unfortunate, Paco!

  5. M'yes, devastating, just devastating. At least I still have a couple of daggers left.

  6. I had something similiar, a 8mm Turkish Mauser. It was fun to shoot, but I was crossing a river in a boat one day, and dang it, I accidentally dropped it in the river. I lose more guns that way.

    I'm not into knives, but I've been thinking about getting a black assault bat, with laser sight.

  7. And don't forget, if you sell your weapons on the INTERNET, like one ATF agent, who went "above and beyond" the law when he did the same, you should do the very same!

    "Above and beyond"! Don't forget!

  8. OK, the gun grabbers are in motion in Illinois.

    If you live, or know anyone in Illinois, CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES NOW.

  9. Deborah said ... Oh yes! Now I remember you mentioning the dreadful incident. Forgive me but I do believe you meant to say that the scoundrels made off with the daggers as well. Perhaps a bit of ginko biloba will do the trick. Save the Geritol chaser for 45.

  10. I was considering having a similar problem. Unfortunately they've just enacted shovel control in Los Angeles.
