Wednesday, February 6, 2013

John Kerry: "I've got big heels to fill"

Ok, fella, but there's no need to overdo it.

H/T: Captain Heinrichs


  1. Funny, I've always considered him a big heel. I have full confidence in him. I'm sure he's the right fit for an Obama foreign policy. God help this country.

  2. SoS Shrillary was ONLY an embarrassment (well, worse that that, actually), SoS Lurch is a disaster of EPIC proportions just waiting to happen. Presd'nt Skeeter really is trying his damnedest to knock Jimmah off the top of the Worst President Ever pedestal. I really hope that when (not "if", but WHEN) TSHTF, it won't be any worse than 9/11.

  3. Check out S. Weasel's take.

  4. Link to the item mojo is referring to.

  5. I wonder if Kerry will be wearing Hillary's infamous orange polyester pants suit, as well? Will it make his butt look big? Asking the important foreign policy questions...
