Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Zimmerman vs. the Narrative

Daniel Greenfield has posted an excellent essay about the Zimmerman trial and its real context over at his blog, Sultan Knish.


  1. That's a great article, and true to the last word.

  2. Deborah .... Terrific analysis. Rsce is a major component because the race card players lack the critical thinking skills to break through the brainwashing. Additionally, what power would the lead baiters such as Sharpton and Jackson have if they didn't perpetuate the boogyman narrative.

    Stock up for the riot. They are coming. The electronics and sneaker stores should prepare now.

  3. Stock up for the riot. They are coming.

    I wonder if Holder will send his rabble-rousers again?

    Just to make sure.

  4. Riots? Maybe not. My guess: despite even the State's witnesses corroborating the defendant's version of events, the jurors will be so thoroughly intimidated by the thoughts of riots and threats against their families (their names WILL become public, one way or another) that they will convict for a "lesser" charge (manslaughter), and will assume that the conviction will be overturned on appeal. This way, there will be no riots and the jurors will be safe, yet sleep easy "knowing" GZ will eventually be freed. Maybe.

  5. You know, it's potential scenarios like that one - which is entirely plausible - that increasingly incline me toward the idea of avoiding a courtroom as a defendant (on any kind of serious charge) at almost any cost.

  6. Well Paco, that would mean being railroaded to a plea bargain on a lesser charge for a crime you did not commit (I presume). Although they do say that there are so many poorly written Federal laws now that the average person breaks three of them per day without realizing it.

    Of course when the Prez constatny breaks the law, who is going to respect it or him?

  7. No, it would mean going to ground.
