You can create art out of anything - even old clothes.

(H/T: Instapundit)
That's using your, er, noodle.
"So far, so good."
Guangdong man arrested for fraudulent guangdonging.
Wine prose.
Are We Lumberjacks? has a field day with the White House's cute-animal ObamaCare campaign (much more of the same at Twitchy).
I've got my own Deplorable Health Care poster:

That wild man of the worldwide web, TimT, launches his own sting operation.
Man can shape his beard so that he can use it as a noodle bowl.
You're in top form as usual, Mr. Paco sir.
ReplyDeleteEw on the noodle bowl.
Why? Why is it so? I grew up watching this, it was very popular here:
Mohammad Morsi received his Ph.D. degree in materials science from the University of Southern California in 1982 with his dissertation "High-Temperature Electrical Conductivity and Defect Structure of Donor-Doped Al2O3".
ReplyDelete… just saying …