Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Obama likes to think he's cool...

...but does he have his own band, like Canada's PM, Stephen Harper?

H/T: Captain Heinrichs


  1. But ... but ... Barry can sing! In the shower!

  2. Welcome to Canada, my American friends. I hope you bring a dash of libertarianism with you.

  3. Hell Robert, I wish somebody would bring a dash of libertarianism to the US. The problem with libertarianism is that it makes an admirable guiding philosophy but a silly organized political party. The "Big L" libertarians get wound up administering Purity Tests to each other and next thing you know, some whack job like Jesse Ventura has assumed the mantle and is stinking up the place.

    Another problem is that many "Big L" libertarians are single issue folks, many of them pot legalization. Were pot legalized today the Libertarian Party would cease to exist as an organized entity by tomorrow.
