Monday, January 13, 2014

That's different

One of my friends at work, whose office is directly above mine, called today and told me that if I looked out of my window, I'd see a hawk eating a squirrel in a tree. Sure enough, there it was, standing on a branch almost at eye level, savoring a fresh kill.

I don't know if this is a sign or portent that has any bearing on me, but if it is, I sure hope I'm the hawk.


  1. Some days you're the hawk, some days you're the squirrel.

  2. Let's hope it was a bald eagle eating a commie squirrel.

    But, to be honest, at this stage I doubt it.


  3. My bad. I'm still not used to using the camera function in my smart phone.

  4. My bad. I'm still not used to using the camera function in my smart phone.

    Learn! I did, and I'm an antique old lady! Probably on death's door!

  5. I know how to use the camera; I just don't use it often enough to think of grabbing it first thing.

  6. Well, that should make Jonah Goldberg's dog, Cosmo, happy.
