Friday, February 28, 2014


Eleven-year-old girl shoots cougar that was stalking her brother. Elsewhere, a York County, South Carolina deputy sheriff shoots 70-year-old man who was pulling a cane out of his truck. Another good example of why only cops should carry guns.

In re: the first story above, MSNBC offers some typically stupid advice.

Dear Harry Reid: You are hereby invited to take your hypocrisy and insert it into an orifice unreachable by photons.

Hey, you know who’s to blame for ObamaCare’s Epic Fail? C’mon, this is a no-brainer! Republican governors.

Maybe this somewhat balances out the Kevin-Rudd-in-America horror: Tim Blair has once again graced our shores with his always-welcome presence, and he immediately embarked upon a wild adventure in the snow-covered wastes of the American northwest. Kind of like a Jack London story, except with laughs. (H/T: C.P.)

White people still making Spike Lee nervous.

(Image gratefully lifted from Moonbattery)


  1. You are hereby invited to take your hypocrisy and insert it into an orifice unreachable by photons.

    You mean, the orifice where his head normally resides?

  2. Oh come on. The two, max, inches of snow are a life changing experience for an Australian, but not even worth notice to a Canadian.

    Mind you, as a Canadian, I wilt in the Australian heat.

  3. Of course, as a Canadian, you know your roads, and are too smart to entrust yourself to a forking GPS unit, the satanic leader of millions of wrong turns, bad decisions, death, abandoned automobiles and lost children.

  4. The story begins with "... the director of the richest oeuvre of black films in the history of the medium ..." and then switches to discussing Spike Lee. This must be a 'segue'; or an exemplar of the 'tallest midget'.


  5. I have been around lately, but I noticed wronwright turned up at Tim's blog. Has he been by here?

  6. I tried to leave a reply to him there, but I keep getting an error message.

  7. "...girl shoots cougar that was stalking her brother."

    I expected to see the girl posing with a middle aged woman in a short skirt, spike heels and a botoxed face......

  8. Anon: Sorry. Obviously it wasn't that kind of cougar.
