Friday, November 21, 2014

Mixed feelings

I guess we should be grateful that Obama is not a truly bloodthirsty tyrant who envisions concentration camps and mass executions. Yet there is undoubtedly something embarrassing about having to endure the dictatorial inclinations of a would-be despot who is so…Let’s see, what’s the phrase I’m looking for?...Oh, yes…There is something singularly embarrassing about living under the reign of an autarch who is so utterly candy-assed . For one thing, what does this say about the opposition? Am I supposed to be impressed that John Boehner is chattering like an indignant squirrel that’s been chased up a tree by a three-legged cat? Sure the squirrel is upset, but his mere squawking isn’t going to bring home the acorns. And what can we expect from Mitch McConnell? It isn’t only his physiognomy that suggests a frog that has narrowly escaped being gigged; there is an aspect of timidity to his temperament that impels him to seek the safety and comfort of the stationary lily pad over the deep and whirling waters of principle.

Well, we shall see. According to some recent reports, Boehner’s lawsuit may actually have legs; however, I continue in my suspicion that they are of the “peg” variety, and made of cheap plywood. Perhaps when all of the new Republican senators and representatives take their seats in January, they will, as James Boswell’s father said of Cromwell in a heated argument with Dr. Johnson, teach this king that he has a joint in his neck (I speak metaphorically, of course). Or possibly our political beclownment will simply continue apace, unimpeded by timeservers bereft of courage and unity. Stay tuned.


  1. With you all the way on this one. For a tyrant, he's just so much of a dweeb...

  2. Really, it's like being bullied by Urkle.

  3. I've read all the other attempts to make sense of this (because I'm otherwise in the dark: this all seems so unlike the USA I grew up with) and I think your criticisms of Obama and Boehner here are well-said, Paco. Great analogy of squirrels and cats.

    I'm still shuddering though, this "Well I'll just add 5 million new members to my gang, howdya like that?" move seems very sinister in a supposedly stable republic. (I'll grant his timing may just be clumsy and coincidental, but it almost seems an act of, you know, war or something).

  4. Benefit of the doubt, Obama probably had no idea in his boundless egoism that his party would lose the elections and he was planning this more as a victory triumph. I guess we did hear he'd been planning this a long time, didn't we?

  5. Watching Obama´s presidency is like watching a road movie with some rebellious teenage girl in the main role.
    "My daddy (the voters) have warned me several times, but I don't care. And now he has grounded me, this is so unfair!. But I have stolen his wallet with his cash and his credit cards and jumped in my boy-friend's 1997 Caddie and we're on the way into thew sunset, horing and doing drugs on the way, and when the 'law' (Congress and/or the Supreme Court) catches up with me, I'll simply drive of a cliff just like in the end of 'Thelma and Louise'! That will teach my daddy that he (the American people (and the world) should have loved me some more"

    He's a very psychological disturbed man-child. Please do the world a favor and elect someone Reagan-ish guy (or gal) the next time around.
    Please! Because everything is going down the toilet, and it will not get any better in the next two years.

  6. This old Australian understands that without a strong and confident US of A, the West is in great danger.
    PLEASE get well soon.
