Monday, November 24, 2014

The news doctor takes steps to protect patients from an attack of the vapors

The New York Times deep-sixed some of John Kerry’s comments on the recent terrorist attack on a Jerusalem synagogue, apparently finding them insufficiently nuanced for easy consumption by the paper’s progressive clientele.


  1. The lights flicker
    Hammers pound
    Men in hard hats
    Hustle 'round
    Day and night they toil
    Eternal and grim
    Ministry of Truth.

    Electrodes are zapping
    Like Frankenstein's lair
    They torture the language
    It's scream fills the air
    Joyfully angry
    They must teach the youth
    Whatever the prob it's
    The fault of the Jooth! (sorry)

  2. They are no longer in the business of providing information, they provide affirmation.

  3. That particular crowd is beyond all reason and hope anyway, so who cares what they think, as long as we can keep them contained in their little bubbles.
