Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Societal norms are dissolving so quickly...

...that a satirical story like this could easily turn out to be true in the near future: "Elite Abortion Clinic Now Offers ‘Sim Abortions’ For Gay Men".

Update: One has to be a bit skeptical of articles published on April 1st, but I find this intriguing, if actually true (and perfectly plausible, even if not true): "A brothel that benefited from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) support of the state’s legalized prostitution industry has offered to throw his retirement party."


  1. Yeah, the ‘Sim Abortions’ For Gay Men story may be satire now, but I would bet a fair sum of money that the seed has now been planted, and it won't be long till it becomes reality.

  2. Heck, a retirement party at Sheri’s may even help lessen the animosity between you and your Republican acquaintances,” they add.

    Are they talking about the Koch brothers?

  3. How fitting that Dirty Harry's retirement party should be in a brothel.

  4. One reason I reckon the 1st story is true is that otherwise it would be homophobic. You reach a stage where on one side of the nation they'll be condemning something as homophobic and on the other side it's homophobic NOT to say it. I guess this already happens with allegations of racism.

  5. They don't call him Whore-house Harry for nothing.
