Monday, June 1, 2015

Was it something I said?

Eric Holder may be gone, but his bitter partisanship marches on: "The Department of Justice is concentrating on 'far-right' groups in a new study of social media usage aimed at combating violent extremism."


bruce said...

Black Panthers are at the top of the list, right? Then Muslim extremists. Can't get further Right than those.

RebeccaH said...

I can see how this will play out. Anybody who says anything against the "progressive" agenda will be labeled "far right" and harassed and intimidated.

Spiny Norman said...

No bruce, the "far right" is a very exclusive club, open only to straight white males, and especially the "Christian" type.

The Department of JustUs is on the case, and the "far right" is gonna get such a pinch.

bruce said...

Yeah Spiny, it always puzzles me how the people who fought and wiped out the Nazis got branded as 'nazis' themselves. Apparently the real Nazis never existed, because that's too hard to fit in their revisionist history.