Monday, November 9, 2015

Yowl if you love feminism

Jim Treacher passes along the latest in feminist attention-grabbing: scream singing.

I listened to this (some of it, anyway) and couldn't help thinking that I had heard something very like it before. Then it hit me...


  1. Except coyotes howl for a reason.

  2. Not so much singing. Mostly just screaming, which is what feminists do best.

  3. I thought the music act on SNL this past Saturday was weird. Two women, one wore a wig that was half white half black with bangs past her eyes, and topped with a giant bow. She was dressed like a Japanese schoolgirl. She had a great voice. Her co-star wriggled around like a spasming mime. She was initially wrapped in a dark shroud-like cloth. But as weird as that was, this gets the prize for uselessness masquerading as art. I'd like to see the "sheet music". The rehearsal(s) must have been a hoot.

  4. Please tell me that the women howling is satire. I implore you! Please! I cannot take this BS any more.
