Thursday, June 16, 2016

Careful, Joe, your brown shirt is showing

Senator Manchin has a problem with due process.
So can’t we say if a person’s under suspicion there should be a five-year period that we have to see good behavior [before they can buy a gun]? Maybe we can come to that kind of agreement. But due process is what’s killing us right now.


  1. It's sorta funny that the people who derive their legitimacy from the Constitution are hell-bent on getting rid of it.

  2. Veeshir, they crossed their fingers (or whatever good little Progressives AKA Marxists do) when taking the Oath of Office.

  3. So can’t we say if a person’s under suspicion there should be a five-year period that we have to see good behavior [before they can buy a gun]?

    So can’t we say if a person wants to be a Senator, there should be a five-year period that we have to see logical behavior [before they can get paid]?

  4. Some people need a good whuppin'.

    That is all.
