Wednesday, October 5, 2016

When's the last time Tim Kaine was tested for drugs?

I'm continuing to maintain my perfect record of not watching the debates, but, based on reports, Democratic VP candidate Tim Kaine apparently came across like a meth head who desperately needed his next fix.

"Give me your cash or I'll scratch your eyes out!"


  1. When they closed down the lunatic asylums, all the inmates ran off and became politicians.

  2. "I'll have what Howard Dean's having."

  3. A cocktail of Red Bulls, Monster, 5 Hour Energy Shots, Alinsky, and Marx.

  4. Kaine's a typical old-Irish con-artist. All blarney all the way down to a core of ruthless ambition.

    On a personal level I admire individual Jesuits, but they produced Kaine and millions like him, and I don't hold it against anyone who hates the Jesuits for giving guys like this so much self-righteousness. That's why governments used to ban Jesuits, with very good reason it seems.

  5. Just read that both Pence and Kaine have sons in the Marines serving overseas.

    I'll grant Kaine sincerity when he speaks of fears about his son. But that's what the Jesuits do, they make you think you're totally right when you're actually wrong.

  6. Notice that while we're talking about Kaine's clownish performance we are not talking about the latest Illary email revelations. Mission accomplished for Kaine.

  7. I can't bear to watch the debates either, and anyway, the highlights will be on the internet the next day. I read that Kaine was a total jackass and would hardly let Pence speak, but that was probably part of the plan, especially in cahoots with the moderator.
