Thursday, March 30, 2017

I'm thinking it would involve pyramids, employee-suttee and thousands of paid mourners

"That time Huma was asked to plan Hillary's funeral".


  1. I'm thinking it would involve pyramids, employee-suttee and thousands of paid mourners...and the collapse of the pantsuit industry.

  2. The mourners would have to be paid, or else they'd be dancing in the streets.

  3. Failure to show sufficient respect to the Clintons can be scary. Like being first person to stop clapping in the standing ovation for their brilliance. I'm seeing embalming, then a mausoleum like Stalin's.

  4. Crisis hotlines and ERs will be overwhelmed with distraught snowflakes. Progressives of every stripe around the world will make speeches lauding her as the greatest woman to ever live. Designers will be commissioned for statues. Buildings and highways will be renamed. Anything she touched will become a holy relic. Tchotchkes and t- shirts marking the event will be everywhere.

    I'd take a vacation but there won't be anywhere to escape. Not even the microscopic country of Wallis and Fortuna. God help us.

  5. Gasoline. Lots of gasoline.

  6. I like JeffS' suggestion, but I'd add a stake through the heart and removing the head, just to be sure.
