Friday, May 12, 2017

What you might call a long-term relationship

Ex-FBI director James Comey has been investigating Clintons since Whitewater days - and uselessly tut-tutting over their law-breaking and abuse of power all along the way.


  1. He was in effect shielding them, as you imply.

    This kind of corruption-enabling bureaucracy grew all over the anglo world during the Clinton era. Our Kevin Rudd was a Clinton creation (He emailed Hillary for help when he was sacked, after donating to the Foundation no doubt) and others.

  2. He said Hilliary had no 'intent' to do wrong, just like he had no 'intent' to find it when she did.

  3. Now I understand why everybody is always praising his integrity.
    He stays bought.

  4. Apparently, Comey is not quite as slippery as he thought.

  5. So all along, Comey was the Clintons' b**ch.
