Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Proceed with caution

I guess one needs to be careful in linking to a post on something called "Bombthrowers", but this article on H.R. McMaster is pretty interesting, if true. In any event, it's worth a look.

Frankly, the thing that represents another nail in the coffin of McMaster's reputation, for me, is that John McCain is one of his biggest boosters:
McMaster’s Senate champion was and still is Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). McCain advocated replacing Flynn with McMaster. McCain described McMaster as “a man of genuine intellect, character and ability.”
About as close as you can get, in my book, to a reputational kiss of death.

(H/T: Ace of Spades)


bruce said...

Heidegger McCain's lifelong search for a true intellectual. Enough of these career philosopher-generals, bring back practical men of action.

Spiny Norman said...

H.R. McMaster = Col. McMustard, whose loyalty to Lord Obama is unquestioned. His quest to purge the WH of anyone questioning the "Islam is a religion of peace" dogma is all but complete.