Friday, January 12, 2018

Undiplomatic, perhaps...

...but inarguably true: Haiti is a shithole. It's an island of shanty towns, many of whose people are without reliable electricity and running water. The government is corrupt and incompetent. Political instability has been the rule rather than the exception. If it wasn't a shithole, why would so many of its people flee to the United States?

This is not intended to be a reflection on Haitians, but on the undeniably low quality of life from which its people suffer. Democrats know the country's a shithole, even though that hasn't stopped some of them from trying to make a sleazy buck off this poverty-stricken, failed state.

As others have pointed out, what Trump says is never as bad as what his foes actually do.

Update: Actor James Woods gets it.


JeffS said...

Maybe Trump should have called Detroit a shithole? It's in the USA, after all.

Gregoryno6 said...

The chorus of agreement was predictable, but the sweetest part of ShitholeGate has been the way the lefties and Trump hagters have trapped themselves.
Those countries aren't shitholes? Fine! No problems then about sending the illegal immigrants back there! Obviously things are just fine!

RebeccaH said...

Trump may have put it crudely, but he only said what everybody already knows. Haiti and most African countries ARE shitholes which is why their people want so desperately to leave them, but hey, Dems never let an opportunity to bash Trump pass by.

rinardman said...

Take a look at the satellite view (Google maps) of the border area between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The difference really is stark. Haiti looks like Mordor, and the Dominican Republic looks like The Shire, by comparison.

bruce said...

Trump's statements aren't one-dimensional and I'm sure that's deliberate in his 'art of the deal'.

MAGA so that 'Norwegians' are jealous of the US standard of living - his statement could be taken to mean. Obama said the same thing. The critics are just hysterical teenyboppers.

HAL9000 said...

The only time in Haiti's history when the people there had even halfway decent, honest government was when the US Marines were running the place. If anybody cared about the well-being of Haitians, they'd send the USMC back, together with a large contingent of Seabees and Naval Medical personnel. Ain't gonna happen; smacks of colonialism.

Deborah said...

Perhaps one of the reasons Haiti hasn't pulled themselves up is the victim card/status pays more.