Wednesday, August 29, 2018


I don't know who was responsible for this classless slight to Sarah Palin, but she handled it well.


Veeshir said...

Whodathunk accepting an offer to run for VP would be such a terrible career move?
Viciously attacked by the people Who Stand Up For Wymynz!!!!!! and treated like garbage by your running mate and his peeps.
So messed up.

bruce said...

Ditto from me, what Paco and Veeshir said.

RebeccaH said...

Now I think Trump shouldn't have lowered the flag to half mast after all.

Deborah said...

Maybe we can see it as honoring the office.

bruce said...

Ace's satirical commenters are on the mark as usual, just a random sample:

'12 You cant invite snowbillies to your funeral !!
they'd steal all the flower arrangements and drink too much at the post funeral repast !!'


'40 Sarah Palin has more class in her little toe than McCain EVER had.

Who knew you had to have an invitation to go to a funeral? Do you just present it at the door on your way in? I mean, really? ... '