Friday, September 28, 2018

And great was the wonder in heaven thereat

NeverTrumper Jeff Flake, Republican (LOL!) Senator from Arizona, has indicated that he will support Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Update: Yeah, that didn't last long. Flake joined the other Republicans in voting Kavanaugh's nomination out of Committee, but then called for an "investigation" prior to a full vote by the Senate. Honestly, I do not know who this guy thinks his audience is. He is despised by conservatives and his only use to leftists is as a Vichy Republican senator, and since he's not running for reelection, that dubious utility is soon going to vanish and he'll simply become another of CNN's "Republican" strategists, loathed by the right and ignored by the left as something less than a true believer. Maybe he's just a coward and an idiot.


RebeccaH said...

Wasn't it the radical left Weatherman group who said: "You don't need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind is blowing." Words people like Flake live by.

Paco said...

You're right about that. Of course, he may be endangering his prospective future career with MSNBC.

Steve Skubinna said...

I suppose that even people like Flake have a point beyond they will not be pushed. We say Lindsey Graham take a stand - and be accused of toxic masculinity, surely a first for him. We saw Collins so offended by the left's attempted bribe that she dug in her heels.

It seems that the only "Republicans" so flexible that that never find a position to defend are the inside the Beltway pundits, the Rubins and Kristols and Boots.

Isophorone said...

This whole episode calls for a letter from Publius!

rinardman said...

And he folds. Sides with Dims, demands one week delay so FBI can investigate. I'm sorry, I meant 'so the Dims can find more "victims" of the serial rapist' before the final vote is taken. Then, they'll need more delays so those charges can be "properly investigated by the FBI". Ad infinitum.

Right now, I'm wishing I was one of those people who live happily in their own little world, without a clue what goes on in their government.

Steve Skubinna said...

Damn. Should have expected the charlie sierra weasel would fold. And all it took was one person confronting him in an elevator.

Real profile in courage there, Jeffy. McCain, squish that he was, actually faced physical torture. What's your excuse, you gelding?

bruce said...

The USA is awash with 'rape survivors' while China quietly and relentlessly tightens its grip on world power:

At some stage the grownups are going to have to take charge.

Bucky said...

But he's a legend in his own mind.

Paco said...

And the hero of all his dreams.

Anonymous said...

Local radio (Tucson) is speculating that Flake is toying with a presidential run because of several recent speaking engagements in states with early primaries -- states he otherwise has no reason to visit and has never visited before. Personally I think anyone named "Flake" is doomed from the get-go.

Paco said...

Anon: I've heard the same speculation. If true, then Flake is definitely delusional, possibly mentally ill.