Monday, October 15, 2018

Random photos

Granddaughter Maggie, relaxing with a hot cocoa.

Old school Chevy Bel Air, spotted down by the Cape Fear River.

Hey, all you Antifa thugs who think you're bad-ass because you wear black kerchiefs and ski goggles, and chase unarmed, confused old men down the street - this is what real resistance looks like...

So, heroes, why don't you do something genuinely impressive, like attack the 82nd Airborne HQ at Ft. Bragg? Go ahead, I'll wait.


JeffS said...

Maggie lurves her some hot cocoa, huh?

Paco said...

Loves the stuff. Even in summer months.

RebeccaH said...

Omg, Grampa, you're going to have to keep a close eye when she's sixteen. She's going to KILL with those eyes.

Paco said...

She's a cutie, alright. And I think we get her for two weeks around Christmas.

bruce said...

Fort Johnston history had lots of real Spanish pirates terrorising Brunswick. Those were the days.