Sunday, December 23, 2018

Sunday funnies

Pro tip: go easy on the hand cream before a performance.

Sometimes it feels great just to be alive and a dog!

Landing Signal Officers bust some moves on the flight deck.

Dealing with the scourge of porch pirates.


  1. Love the Landing Signal Officers. That would be a boring job otherwise, might as well have some fun.

    When I first read out of the glitter bombs for porch thieves, I suggested using a "mysterious white powder" instead. You know it would only be talcum powder or white flour, but I bet it sure would make the porch thieves think twice about their chosen vocation.

  2. And autocorrect, for some unknown reason, changed "about" to "out of". I suspect sabotage.

  3. haha! Light fingered drummer. Slippery fingers alright.

  4. Why did that wuss walk off the stage? Go suck your thumb and don't come back.

  5. I think I'd use indelible ink, instead of glitter.
