Friday, April 12, 2019


An interesting story in the Daily Mail today: "Ken Starr says Hillary Clinton DID trigger Vince Foster's suicide when she humiliated him in front of White House staff and admits he omitted the finding in FBI report because he didn't want to 'inflict further pain' on her".

I find it strange that Starr didn't reveal this to Hillary because he didn't want to cause her any more pain. What about the pain experienced by Foster's family and colleagues? Why was it ok for them to wonder what triggered his suicide, for some of them perhaps to torment themselves with guilt? And here's a thought: if Hillary had been told this back when it happened, there's at least a small chance that it might have knocked some of the arrogance and viciousness out of her, had a humbling effect. Possibly not. Probably not, I'm afraid. But I submit that it would have been worth trying.

H/T: Ace


Spiny Norman said...

She's such a narcissist it probably would have given her some sick sense of pride.

(Frankly, I think she already knew why Foster killed himself, and IS privately proud of it.)

Steve Skubinna said...

She probably would have done a fist pump. "Yes!"

Jonah said...

Ken Starr, an innocent nice guy, a 1950's Willoughby (Twilight Zone) fool.

Those days are gone and anyone who still latches onto them are not only foolish, but dangerous.

bruce said...

Oh I think Starr is just protecting himself in his old age (maybe Paco is being ironic and knows this). Better to be ambiguous and duck the Eye of Mordor than stir up that hornet's nest, 'It's not you, it's me' type of dissembling. But imagine if Trump had done that instead of Hillary. She sure seems teflon coated. The difference is Trump alwyas used hardened underlings who could take the tough stuff. The Clintons, like the worst cult leaders, exploited naive believers in 'the cause', people with fragile personalities, blind followers. That's pure evil.