Friday, May 3, 2019


I'm still learning things about President Jughead McHopeypants that make him even more despicable than he was previously.


Veeshir said...

I ain't clicking the link.
The only way I want to be reminded about Obama's many felonies and treasons is at his sentencing hearing.
Otherwise, it just ticks me off.

RebeccaH said...

Barack Obama was born of Communist parents, he was raised by Communists, educated by Communists, mentored by Communists, and he chose Communists as his closest allies, at least until he found out how useful Islamists were. His presidency accomplished just one thing: open season on whites, Christians, Jews, American patriots, anyone at all who will not bow down to the Communist agenda.

Stanley Anne Dunham has a helluva lot to answer for.

Gregoryno6 said...

I am amazed at the speed of Obooby's decline and fall. I thought his secular sainthood would last a few decades.
If it wasn't for the Netflix deal he'd be competing with Jussie Smollett for Whoopi's sear on The View.

Jonah said...

Gregory, don't get cocky. The battle ain't over yet. It's only Trump and us few beating on him, when the generational tide turns, then will the historians knuckle under and admit that yes, Obama was a failure. I have great hopes for the so called "generetion z."

Jonah said...
