Friday, May 17, 2019

Grumpy Cat, RIP

Dead, at the age of 7.


Spiny Norman said...

Aww... she was a tiny cat. Feline dwarfism is something entirely new to me, and I've had cats and dogs, of varying sizes, most of my life.

Gregoryno6 said...

Grumpy Cat too? This has to stop. To quote Mr William S Burroughs: the situation is little short of intolerable.
Pretty soon we'll have no celebrities left except Alyssa Milano and Emily Takemyclothesoff, or however you spell it.

Paco said...

Milano is really something of a doofus as a protestor. She has proposed a sex strike in response to restrictive abortion legislation. In her own case, wouldn't this just affect her husband? If not, then that's what you might call a very interesting development.

Deborah said...

She has a husband? Well, he must be relieved.

RebeccaH said...

Rest well, Grumpy Cat.

Deborah said...

Poor Grumpy. She brought more smiles and laughter to the world. God bless.

Deborah said...

I won't be able to look at tarter sauce without thinking of Grumpy. (Smiles fondly)

HAL9000 said...

Well if Milano's strike catches on with the people who normally get abortions, it might make the whole argument moot. Just think, an airheaded bimbo is proposing to apply Lysistrata's solution to the abortion controversy. Has she read Aristophanes's play of that name? I doubt it, so we may have to credit her with some degree of originality. Maybe this is what she does to her husband whenever she doesn't get her way.