Saturday, May 11, 2019

Sunday funnies

Justin Wilson and the twin horses (to me, the appeal of this joke is primarily in the extravagant idiosyncrasy of the grammar and the exotic accent of the Cajun patois, which has always been music to my ears).

Don't try this at home. Oops, too late.

I love Jackie Vernon's deadpan comedy. Here's a sample from way back...

From Powerline's "The Week in Pictures".


rinardman said...

Don't try this at home. Oops, too late.

Yeah, if beer made people smarter, everyone would be an alcoholic.*

*Pause the video at two seconds, and you'll see the explanation.

rinardman said...

I also liked Jackie Vernon's comedy. Which is probably why I also like Steven Wright

BTW, when I saw the weed/dope pic on TWIP, I thought "I bet Paco will pick this one to use in his Sunday Funnies." It's nice to be right, once in a while. :)

Paco said...

Uncanny, R-man.

RebeccaH said...

I wish today's "comedians" were as funny and clever as the old guys, like Jackie Vernon and Justin Wilson (who actually has a highway named after him). I just wish today's "comedians" were funny and clever at all.

Paco said...

Thanks for that link to a Steve Wright routine. I had never seen him before. What a fabulous imagination that guy has!

rinardman said...

Well, fabulous is one word to describe his imagination. Some others I'd choose first include
offbeat, off-center, off the wall, and certainly unique. But, I think it's his delivery that makes his offbeat comedy work. His slow, deadpan delivery gives you time to think about it, and go "Ha, now that I think about it, that's funny!"