Sunday, June 2, 2019

"Do plant-based 'meats' make a better burger?"

No. Next question.


Gregoryno6 said...

Might as well ask if bacon sandwiches make a better Ramadan.

JeffS said...

This is part of a marketing campaign. A clumsy one, but still a marketing campaign.

And I will take genuine beef over soy anyway, thankyouverymuch.

bruce said...

In the 1960s they were saying 'In the future people will eat steaks made out of yeast'. That was when they were experimenting with astronaut food and yeast cultures which could be grown in tanks.

People in different parts of the world evolved eating different diets and are adapted to them.

Irish people for example are 100% 'lactase persistent' and that's actually unusual in the wider world. Other people have some degree of problem digesting milk.

I've gone without meat for long periods and I can tell you, you feel lighter at first but eventually your body tells you something is missing in your diet.

Deborah said...

Not a chance. While I do like tofu from time to time, there is nothing like a good steak cooked medium rare. There is a restaurant nearby (Julianna's in Castroville, TX) that serves Angus steaks and burgers. The first entree I tasted was a burger. I tasted the burger by itself, then proceeded to eat everything separately.

The flooding in the Midwest, is not only effecting the vegetarians. Let us have a moment of silence for the famers, ranchers, cattle, and pigs that were undoubtedly lost.