Thursday, June 20, 2019

Happy Feet Friday

When Stick McGhee and his boys aren't guzzlin' wine, they're piggin' out on home cookin'. Here they are with “Southern Menu”, from 1949.

Butter beans and rice and boiled hog maw. MMMM-good!


  1. Stick McGhee rocks!

  2. Uplifting update from over here:
    "Thank you to the United States of America.

    The Children's Hospital at Westmead (Sydney Australia. Facebook page)

    Rather than spending their day exploring the city, some of the service men and women from the USS WASP LHD 1 chose to spend their free time visiting our patients and their families, fielding questions about their jobs and sharing their insight about life in the Navy and Marine Corps.

    Thank you to USS WASP for such a memorable visit." - The smiles on the kids' faces were ecstatic - and the nurses.

  3. Bruce: What a nice story! Glad to hear our sailors and marines are being goodwill ambassadors.
