Monday, June 3, 2019

Like Kristallnacht, but without the broken glass (so far)

Update and bumped. Labour Party leader and anti-Semite, Jeremy Corbyn, reveals his true self, with an assist from photoshop (via Blazing Cat Fur).

"British Jews in fear after pro-Palestine group supported by Corbyn forces Jewish shops to close with 'campaign of intimidation'".


bruce said...

I was impressed with the British Jews in small towns (shopkeepers and small businessmen) who came out to support Tommy Robinson - 'England for the English'.

RebeccaH said...

There is nothing new under the sun. This is exactly how it all started back in the 1930s. And here in the US, it's spilled over to Christian small business owners.

JeffS said...

The Islamofascists learn from history, it appears.