Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Thoughts and prayers for Stephen Green's liver

Continuing a great tradition, Stephen Green drunkblogs the Democrat debate. A sample:
Tim Ryan: "I have been in Congress for 17 years."

As good an argument for term limits as I've ever heard.

Isn't it time to give some other bland nonentity a chance at free travel and earning six figures?


  1. I've enjoyed his political drunk'blogging for a long time.
    I will bet a dollar he's unenjoyable when Trump's on stage.
    I know he was just annoying last year. He's not quite Never-Trump, but he is NT-curious.

  2. I see there was a lot of 'Won't anyone think of the children?' from the candidates. Testing the waters.

    1. Elizabeth Warren covered that in the immigration segment. It was interesting, given that she recently celebrated her birthday at a Planned Parenthood facility.

      Separation of illegal immigrant parents from children is a key point. The breaking story yesterday is of a "parent" and two year old who reportedly drowned. The accompanying photo showed the pair laying side-by-side face down with no sign of struggle. How does a drowning occur with such results?
