Saturday, July 6, 2019

Can they do that?

Well, yeah, obviously: "Wimbledon fines Bernard Tomic $56K for failing to meet 'professional standard' in blowout loss".

Initially this struck me as a bit harsh, but I guess it makes a kind of sense. I mean, just imagine: millions of people around the world, tuned in to their televisions, watchin' this guy stink. Why should he walk away with 56 large?

Update, unrelated

Ok, I'm pretty sure they can't do this: "Starbucks barista asks police officers to leave because customer 'did not feel safe,' police union claims". The Tempe Officers Association was not amused.


  1. I agree with others, who wonder why Starbucks didn't just ask the one customer who complained, to leave. Why drive off five non-complaining customers to make one grouch be less grouchy.*

    *I say less grouchy, because you can never make a liberal happy.

  2. Tomic seems to have had a middle age crisis at age 25. I wonder if that's a Millennial (single male) thing?

  3. Gee, Starbucks, nice bit of police protection you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it.
